Let's talk!

Want to be part of our community?

If you believe your values matches ours, don’t hesitate to contact us for possible collaborations, as we are always curious to get to know passionate people with creative minds within wellness, spa, design and other creative work.

Do you have a unique wellness product, brand, idea or design approach that you think would enhance a wellness, wellbeing or spa experience? We would love to hear from you.

Get in touch and join our conscious collective 

Job seekers

Are you eager to travel the world or to re-locate to an exciting destination to follow your life’s purpose or to build a career in the spa and wellness industry?
The ever expanding spa and wellness market is always looking for talented, skilled and passionate people, therapists, managers, instructors and trainers.  

Don’t hesitate to send us your CV and a cover letter telling us your story and what you are looking for.   

Apply now!

Upload your CV and Cover letter

Job Application Form